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Results 1-10 of 43 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Nov-2015Measuring non-Hermitian operators via weak valuesPati, Arun Kumar; Singh, Uttam; Sinha, UrbasiPhysical Review A, 2015, Vol.92, p052120
Jan-2015Experimental test of environment-assisted invarianceVermeyden, L.; Ma, X.; Levoie, J.; Bonsma, M.; Sinha, Urbasi; Laflamme, Raymond; Resch, K .J.Physical Review A, 2015, Vol.91, 012120
Aug-2016Violation of no-signaling in higher-order quantum measure theoriesJoshi, Karhik S; Srikanth, R.; Sinha, UrbasiInternational Journal of Quantum Information, 2016, Vol. 14, p1650024
Dec-2013The effect of environmental coupling on tunneling of quasiparticles in Josephson junctionsAnsari, Mohammad H.; Wilhelm, Frank K.; Sinha, Urbasi; Sinha, AnindaSuperconductor Science and Technology, 2013,Vol.26, p125013
May-2012Implementing the Aharon-Vaidman quantum game with a young type photonic qutritKolenderski, Piotr; Sinha, Urbasi; Youning, Li; Zhao, Tong; Volpini, Matthew; +3 Co-authorsProceedings of Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference held at San Jose, California United States from May 6-11, 2012 (Book Chapter) Edited by by Cao, Hai et al
3-Feb-2018The Quantum Cheshire Cateffect: Theoretical basis and observational implicationsDuprey, Q; Kanjilal, S; Sinha, Urbasi; Home, D.; Matzkin, AAnnals of Physics, 2018, Vol.391, p1-15
21-Jun-2019Gender Status in the Indian Physics Profession and the Way ForwardResmi, Lekshmi; Shastri, Prajval; Sinha, Urbasi; +7 Co-AuthorsAIP Conference Proceedings, 2019, p050019-1–050019-5; WOMEN IN PHYSICS: 6th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics
Mar-2017Manipulation of entanglement sudden death in an all-optical setupSingh, Ashutosh; Pradyumna, Siva; Rau, A.R.P.; Sinha, UrbasiJournal of the Optical Society of America B, 2017, Vol. 34, p681
2018Spatially correlated photonic qutrit pairs using pump beam modulation techniqueGhosh, Debadrita; Jennewein, Thomas; Sinha, UrbasiOptical Society of America, 2018, Vol.1, p996-1011
Sep-2019Single-Photon SourcesSinha, Urbasi; Sahoo, Surya Narayan; Singh, Ashutosh; Joarder, Kaushik; Chatterjee, Rishab; Chakraborti, SanchariOptics & Photonics News, 2019, Vol.30, p32-39