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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Apr-2016Real-time imaging through strongly scattering media: seeing through turbid media, instantlySudarsanam, Sriram; Mathew, James; Panigrahi, Swapnesh; Fade, Julien; Alouini, Mehdi; Ramachandran, HemaScientifc Reports, 2016, Vol. 6, 25033
Apr-2011Dynamics of photothermally created vaporous, gaseous, and mixed microbubblesDharmadhikari, A.K.; Dharmadhikari, J.A.; Mahulkar, Amit V.; Ramanandan, Gopika; Ramachandran, Hema; Pandit, Aniruddha B.; Mathur, DeepakJournal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, Vol.115, p6611
Jul-2016Theoretical optimal modulation frequencies for scattering parameter estimation and ballistic photon filtering in diffusing media.Panigrahi, Swapnesh; Fade, Julien; Ramachandran, Hema; Alouini, MehdiOptics Express, 2016, Vol.24, p16066
Feb-2002Mirrorless lasersRamachandran, HemaPramana, 2002, Vol. 58, p313-323.
25-May-1999Imaging through turbid mediaRamachandran, HemaCurrent Science, 1999, Vol. 76, p1334-1340.
25-Jan-1999Temperature measurement of the cold cloud of atomsRamachandran, HemaCurrent Science, 1999, Vol. 76, p213-215.
Nov-2000Density-matrix approach to a strongly coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensateNarayanan, Andal; Ramachandran, HemaPhysical Review A, 2000, Vol.62, 055602
13-Oct-2006Protocol for quantum-logical operations in an optical lattice using nonresonant absorption of photon pairsRamachandran, Hema; Kastberg, Anders; Narayanan, Andal; Srinivasan, R.Physical Review A, 2006, Vol.74, p042314
10-Jan-2006Levy statistical fluctuations from a random amplifying mediumSharma, Divya; Ramachandran, Hema; Kumar, N.Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 2006, Vol.6, pL95-L101
20-Jun-2006Polarization-rich continuous wave direct imaging: modeling and visualizationUmesh, R.S.; Ramakrishnan, A.G.; Srikanth, R.; Ramachandran, Hema; Sharma, DivyaApplied Optics, 2006, Vol.45, p4344-4354