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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Nov-2015Excited-to-excited-state scattering using weak measurementsSainadu M, Satya; Narayanan, AndalPhysical Review A, 2015, Vol. 92, p052123
Dec-2015Weak value amplification in resonance fluorescenceSainadh, Satya U.; Sandhya, S.N.; Vathsan, Radhika; Narayanan, AndalCurrent Science, 2015, Vol.109, p2002
25-May-2004Condensation of bound pairs of fermionic atomsSrinivasan, R.; Narayanan, AndalCurrent Science, 2004, Vol. 86, p1356-1362.
Nov-2000Density-matrix approach to a strongly coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensateNarayanan, Andal; Ramachandran, HemaPhysical Review A, 2000, Vol.62, 055602
13-Oct-2006Protocol for quantum-logical operations in an optical lattice using nonresonant absorption of photon pairsRamachandran, Hema; Kastberg, Anders; Narayanan, Andal; Srinivasan, R.Physical Review A, 2006, Vol.74, p042314
Jul-2006Optical pumping and coherence effects in fluorescence from a four level systemNarayanan, AndalEuropean Physical Journal D, 2006, Vol.39, p13-22
15-Sep-1998Two-dimensional imaging through turbid media using a continuous wave light sourceRamachandran, Hema; Narayanan, AndalOptics Communications, 1998, Vol.154, p255-260
Mar-2004Modified pinhole spatial filter producing a clean flat-topped beamHariharan, P.; Narayanan, AndalOptics & Laser Technology, 2004, Vol.36, p151-153
2004Fluorescence from doubly driven four-level atomsNarayanan, Andal; Srinivasan, R.; Khan, Uday Kumar; Vudayagiri, A.; Ramachandran, HemaEuropean Physical Journal D, 2004, Vol.31, p107-112
Jul-2004Observation of narrow fluorescence from doubly driven four-level atoms at room temperatureKhan, Uday Kumar; Sebastian, J.; Kamaraju, N.; Narayanan, Andal; Srinivasan, R.; Ramachandran, HemaEurophysics Letters, 2004, Vol.67, p35-41