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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
May-1987High pressure techniques at low temperaturesRamaseshan, S.; Parthasarathy, G.; Rajagopal, E.S.Pramana, 1987, Vol. 28, p435-469.
Apr-1986On the axiomatic approach to the maximum entropy principle of inference.Karbelkar, S.N.Pramana, 1986, Vol. 26, p301-310.
20-Dec-1986The interference of polarized light as an early example of Berry's phaseRamaseshan, S.; Nityananda, R.Current Science, 1986, Vol. 55, p1225-1226.
1987Relaxation techniques for measurement of corrosion rateLakshminarayanan, V.10th International Congress on Metallic Corrosion, Madras, 1987, p138