C.V. Raman - Scientific Papers, Vol.1. Scattering of Light : [102] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 102
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1927On the thickness of the optical transition layer in liquid surfacesRaman, C.V.; Ramdas, L.A.Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.53, p220-223
1924On the mean distance between neighbouring molecules in a fluidRaman, C.V.Philosophical Magazine, 1924, Vol.47, p671-679
1928Disappearance and reversal of the Kerr effectRaman, C.V.; Sirkar, S.C.Nature, 1928, Vol.121, p794
1928The optical analogue of the Compton effectRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Nature, 1928, Vol.121, p711
1928The negative absorption of radiationRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p12-13
1928A change of wave-length in light-scatteringRaman, C.V.Nature, 1928, Vol.121, p619
1928Polarization of scattered light quantaRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p169
1929Colour and optical anisotropy of organic compoundsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1929, Vol.123, p494
1929A new X-ray effectRaman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, P.Nature, 1929, Vol.124, p53-54
1931Evidence for the spin of the photon from light-scatteringRaman, C.V.; Bhagavantam, S.Nature, 1931, Vol.128, p114-115
1922Molecular structure of amorphous solidsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p138-139
1921The colour of the seaRaman, C.V.Nature, 1921, Vol.108, 367
1921A method of improving visibility of distant objectsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p242
1931Angular momentum of lightRaman, C.V.Nature, 1931, Vol.128, p545
1931Atoms and molecules as Fitzgerald oscillatorsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1931, Vol.128, p795
1922Optical observation of the thermal agitation of the atoms in crystalsRaman, C.V.Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p42
1919The Doppler effect in the molecular scattering of radiationRaman, C.V.Nature, 1919, Vol.103, p165
1932Experimental proof of the spin of the photonRaman, C.V.; Bhagavantam, S.Nature, 1932, Vol.129, p22-23
1935Nature of thermal agitation in liquidsRaman, C.V.; Raghavendra Rao, B.V.Nature, 1935, Vol.135, p761
1928Molecular spectra in the extreme infra-redRaman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S.Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p278
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 102