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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Sep-2011Optical nonlinearity and power limiting in organic molecules and nanocompositesPhilip, Reji; Thomas, JayanProceedings of the SPIE Vol. 8113, p81130J-1
Dec-2004Optical nonlinearity in silver-sodium ion exchanged planar waveguidesNandi, P.; Thomas, Jinto; Philip, Reji; Della Valle, G.; Taccheo, S.; Sorbello, G.; Laporta, P.; Jose, G.Photonics-2004: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on optoelectronics, fiber optics and photonics held at Cochin, December, 2004
Feb-2010Optical nonlinearity in NiFe2O4 nanoparticlesSridharan, Kishore; Agarwal, Milan; Philip, J.; Endo, T.; Philip, RejiTransactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 2011, Vol. 35, p159
Mar-2013Thiophene-based donor–acceptor conjugated polymer as potential optoelectronic and photonic materialMurali, M.G.; Udayakumar, D.; Yadav, Vandana; Srivastava, Ritu; Safakath, K.Journal of Chemical Science, 2013, Vol.125, p247-257