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Results 1-10 of 44 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
2001Real-time signal processor for pulsar studiesRamkumar, P.S.; Deshpande, A.A.Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2001, Vol. 22, p321-342.
20-Jan-2006Arecibo pulsar survey using ALFA. I. survey strategy and first discoveriesCordes, J.M.; Freire, P.C.C.; Lorimer, D.R.; Deshpande, A.A.; Ramachandran, R.Astrophysical Journal, Vol.637, p446-455
Jul-2003The radio nebula surrounding the Vela pulsarDodson, R.; Lewis, D.; McConnell, D.; Deshpande, A.A.Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2003, Vol.343, p116-124.
Mar-2004The radio luminosity distribution of pulsars in 47 TucanaeMcConnell, D.; Deshpande, A.A.; Connors, T.; Ables, J.G.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2004, Vol.348, Issue 4, p1409-1414.
1-Nov-2000Power spectrum of the density of cold atomic gas in the galaxy toward Cassiopeia A and Cygnus ADeshpande, A.A.; Dwarakanath, K.S.; Goss, W.M.Astrophysical Journal, 2000, Vol.543, p227-234
20-Jan-2001Upper limits on periodic, pulsed radio emission from the x-ray point source in Cassiopeia AMcLaughlin, M.A.; Cordes, J.M.; Deshpande, A.A.; Gaensler, B.M.; Hankins, T.H.; Kaspi, V.M.; Kern, J.S.Astrophysical Journal, 2001, Vol.547, pL41-44
Nov-2001Vela, its X-ray nebula, and the polarization of pulsar radiationRadhakrishnan, V.; Deshpande, A.A.Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001, Vol.379, p551-556
Dec-2000Search for discrete refractive scattering eventsRamachandran, R.; Deshpande, A.A.; Stappers, B.W.Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2000, Vol.364, pL71-L74
Dec-2006Intrinsic short-timescale variability in W3(OH) hydroxyl masersRamachandran, R.; Deshpande, A.A.; Goss, W.M.Astrophysical Journal, 2006, Vol.653, p1314-1324
20-Jul-2006H I density distribution driven by supernovae: A simulation studyHodge, Jacqueline A.; Deshpande, A.A.Astrophysical Journal, 2006, Vol.646, p232-239