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Results 451-460 of 465 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
2000New ASCA observations of two anomalous X-ray pulsarsPaul, Biswajit; Kawasaki, M.; Dotani, T.; Nagase, F.ASP Conference Series, Vol. 202, p695
Jan-2001Detection of a series of X-Ray dips associated with a Radio Flare in GRS 1915+105Naik, S.; Agrawal, P.C.; Rao, A.R.; Paul, Biswajit; Seetha, S.; Kasturirangan, K.Astrophysical Journal, 2001, Vol. 546, p1075-1085
Feb-2001Pulse characteristics of the X-Ray pulsar 4U 1907+09Mukerjee, K.; Agrawal, P.C.; Paul, Biswajit; Rao, A.R.; Yadav, J.S.; Seetha, S.; Kasturirangan, K.Astrophysical Journal, 2001, Vol. 548, p368-376
2006HI signal from the epoch of reionization: A pilot observation with the GMRTRoshi, Anish D.; Sethi, S.K.; Pen, U.L.; Subrahmanyan, Ravi26th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 12, 21 August 2006, Prague
Mar-2003Orbital evolution of the Binary X-ray Pulsar Her X-1Bhatt, N.; Paul, Biswajit; Koul, C.L.Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 2003, Vol. 31, p367-368
Apr-2003Spectral variations of the X-ray binary pulsar LMC X-4 during its long period intensity variation and a comparison with Her X-1Naik, S.; Paul, BiswajitAstronomy and Astrophysics, 2003, Vol. 401, p265-270
2005Radio monitoring of supernova 2001ig: the first yearRyder, Stuart D.; Sadler, Elaine M.; Subrahmanyan, Ravi; Weiler, Kurt W.; Panagia, Nino; Stockdale, ChristopherProceedings of IAU Colloquium 192, 2005, Vol.99, p123
Jan-2006Orbital evolution studies of two HMXB pulsarsRaichur, Harsha; Paul, Biswajit; Naik, S.; Bhatt, N.Advances in Space Research, 2006, Vol. 38, p2785-2787
2007The AT20G first data release:the bright source sampleMassardi, Marcella; Ekers, R.D.; Edwards, P.G.; Jackson, C.A; Subrahmanyan, Ravi; +12 Co-authors-
Sep-2007Prompt emission of high-energy photons from gamma ray burstsGupta, Nayantara; Zhang, BingMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007, Vol.380, p78