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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
2008Revisiting the rich sub-pulse patterns of B1237+25: Preliminary resultsMaan, Yogesh; Deshpande, A.A.40 years of pulsars - millisecond pulsars, magnetars and more. AIP conference proceedings Vol. 983. Eds. C G Bassa
Apr-2008On the relationship between a giant radio galaxy MSH 05-22 and the ambient large-scale galaxy structureSubrahmanyan, Ravi; Saripalli, Lakshmi; Safouris, V.; Hunstead, R.W.Astrophysical Journal, 2008, Vol.677, p63-78
Feb-2008The thickness of HI in galactic discs under MOdified Newtonian Dynamics: theory and application to the galaxySanchez-Salcedo, F.J.; Saha, K.; Narayan, C.A.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2008, Vol.385, p1585
Apr-2008Mean-field dynamo in partially ionized plasmas - IKrishan, Vinod; Gangadhara, R.T.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2008, Vol.385, p849
Feb-2008Cylindrical Hall MHD waves: A nonlinear solutionKrishan, Vinod; Varghese, B.A.Solar Physics, 2008, Vol.247, p343
Aug-2008Cancellation of simple optical anisotropies without use of a Faraday mirrorBhandari, R.Optics Letters, 2008, Vol.33, p1839
Jun-2008A circumnuclear disk of atomic hydrogen in Centaurus AMorganti, R.; Oosterloo, T.A.; Struve, C.; Saripalli, LakshmiAstronomy and Astrophysics, 2008, Vol.485, pL5
May-2008Long-term flux variations in Cen X-3: clues from flux-dependent orbital modulation and pulsed fractionRaichur, Harsha; Paul, BiswajitMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2008, Vol.387, p439
Jan-2008Variable x-ray absorption toward the gravitationally-lensed blazar PKS 1830-211Dai, Xinyu; Mathur, Smita; Chartas, George; Nair, Sunita; Garmire, Gordon P.Astronomical Journal, 2008, Vol.135, p333
20-Jan-2008Can we detect the anisotropic shape of quasar H II regions during reionization through the small-scale redshifted 21 cm power spectrum?Sethi, S.K.; Haiman, ZoltanThe Astrophysical Journal, 2008, Vol.673, p1-13