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Results 11-18 of 18 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
2002VLA observations of the galactic center at 74 MHzAnantharamaiah, K.R.; Kassim, N.E.; Lazio, T.J.W.; Goss, W.M.; Falcke, H.IAU Symposium, 2002, Vol.199, p272
20-Jun-2006Very large array H53α and H92α line observations of the central region of NGC 253Rodriguez-Rico, C.A.; Goss, W.M.; Zhao, J.H.; Gomez, Y.; Anantharamaiah, K.R.Astrophysical Journal, Vol.644, p914-923
2001High velocity ionized component - A counter-rotating circumnuclear disk in NGC 253Zhao, J.H.; Goss, W.M.; Ulvestad, J.S.; Anantharamaiah, K.R.ASP Conference Series, 2001, Vol.240, p404
Jun-2006Very large array H53α line observations of the central region og NGC 253Rodriguez-Rico, C.A.; Goss, W.M.; Zhao, J.H.; Gomez, Y.; Anantharamaiah, K.R.Astrophysical Journal, 2006, Vol.644, p914
Aug-2005Radio recombination lines from starburts: NGC 3256, NGC 4945 and the circinus galaxyRoy, A.L.; Goss, W.M.; Mohan, Niruj R.; Oosterloo, T.A.; Anantharamaiah, K.R.AIP Conference Proceedings, 2005, Vol.783, p303
10-Jun-2005Multiwavelength carbon recombination line observations with the very large array toward an ultracompact H II region in W48: physical properties and kinematics of neutral materialRoshi, Anish D.; Goss, W.M.; Anantharamaiah, K.R.; Jeyakumar, S.Astrophysical Journal, 2005, Vol.626, p253-261
10-Jun-2006VLA observations of carbon 91α recombination line emission in W49 northRoshi, Anish D.; De Pree, C.G.; Goss, W.M.; Anantharamaiah, K.R.Astrophysical Journal, 2006, Vol.644, p279-282
2008Detection of the H92α recombination line from the starbursts in the Circinus galaxy and NGC 1808Roy, A.L.; Goss, W.M.; Anantharamaiah, K.R.Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2008, Vol.483, p79-88